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Sonification | Turning Data into Sound

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Making Data into Sound: Sonification

Sonification is like turning data into music for your ears. Instead of seeing numbers and graphs, you can hear them as sounds. With sonification, you can use your ears to understand information instead of just looking at it.

Why Use Sonification?

Our ears are good at noticing changes in sounds, like going from high to low notes or getting louder or quieter. Sonification helps us use this skill to make data more interesting and easier to understand [1].

Analog vs. Digital Sound

You can make data into sound using older technology or newer digital methods. It’s kind of like playing a record or using a music app. Both can work, but with digital, you have more control [1].

Twotone Sonification Tool:

Sonic Pi Code for Data Sonification:


Define a sample dataset (you can replace this with your actual data)
data = [
  { topic1: 0.75, topic2: 0.45 },
  { topic1: 0.60, topic2: 0.30 },
  { topic1: 0.85, topic2: 0.55 }
Iterate through the data and play notes using Sonic Pi
live_loop :music_loop do
  data.each do |line|
    topic1 = line[:topic1].to_f
    topic2 = line[:topic2].to_f

    # Use a piano synth to play notes based on data values
    use_synth :piano

    # Play notes with dynamic variations (randomized attack, decay, and amplitude)
    play topic1 * 100, attack: rand(0.5), decay: rand(1), amp: rand(0.25)
    play topic2 * 100, attack: rand(0.5), decay: rand(1), amp: rand(0.25)

    # Introduce a short delay between notes
    sleep 0.5
Additional code snippet: Introduce beats and loops
live_loop :drums do
  sample :drum_bass_hard
  sleep 1
Additional code snippet: Introductory ta-da
live_loop :intro do
  sleep 2
  sample :ambi_choir, attack: 2, sustain: 4, rate: 0.25, release: 1
  sleep 6
Additional code snippet: Ominous drum sound throughout the music
live_loop :ominous_drum do
  with_fx :reverb, room: 0.5 do
    sample :bd_boom, rate: 1, amp: 1
  sleep 2

Examples of Sonification

People use sonification in different ways:

  1. Helping the Blind: Sound can be used to help blind people navigate by telling them about their surroundings.

  2. Radiation Check: Geiger counters make clicking sounds to tell you about radiation levels.

  3. Stock Market: You can turn stock market data into music to understand how it’s changing.

  4. Heart Monitors: The beeping sound in a heart monitor tells you about your heart rate.

Filters and Data

Think of filters as special ears for sound. They only let some sounds through. This can help you hear the important stuff and not the extra noise. It’s like adjusting the bass and treble on your music.

When working with data, you need to think about whether the data is slow-changing or fast-changing, just like watching a slow movie versus a fast one. You also need to deal with unwanted noise, like static on a radio.

Challenges and Difficulties

Using sonification is a bit tricky. I have to know when it really helps and when it’s just for fun. Sometimes, the tools you need might not be available. And, it’s not just science; it’s also an art. Sometimes, you have to create your own rules and methods.

Using a two-tone tool online we can convert a dataset and make sonification on it.

  1. Download a data set from Kaggle (a small data set)

data set from Kaggle

  1. Upload it to the two-tone tool online to make sonification on it:

two-tone tool online to make sonification

  1. After Further Manipulation of the sound we can generate something different:

two-tone tool online to make sonification

  1. We can also click on narration audio to give us a different variation of the audio and we just adjust it to have a more interesting result:

two-tone tool online to make sonification

  1. Export the sound as MP3 format:

we can export the generated sound into mp3 and hear it:

two-tone tool online to make sonification

This is the output sound after using “two-tone”:


sonification is like turning boring data into music or sound, making it more interesting and helping you understand things using your ears. It’s a bit like magic for your ears!

  1. twotone (n.d.) SONIFICATION ART A blog on sonification in an artistic context. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: [Mar.2019]).

  2. Programming Historian (n.d.) *The Sound of Data (a gentle introduction to sonification for historians). [Online] Available at: (Accessed: [June.2016]).

  3. Sonification and the Hybridization of Aesthetic Experience. Performance Research: a journal of the performing arts, 25 (4). pp. 45-53. ISSN 1352-8165 . [Online] Available at: (Accessed: [June.2016]).